Biochemistry, 4th Edition

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    Designed for courses in Cell Biology offered at the Sophomore/Junior level, Karp's Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts  ...
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  • The Cell. A Molecular Approach

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    Учебник по цитологии.The Cell has been designed to be an approachable and teachable text that can be c  ...
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    Thomas M. Devlin, Ph.D. This book was set in ITC Garamond Light by BiComp Incorporated, and was printed and bound Rob  ...
  • Principles of Genetics

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    Snustad's 6th edition of Principles of Genetics offers many new and advanced features including boxed sections with the  ...
  • Kuby Immunology 7th Edition 2013

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    Mount Holyoke College with contributions by. Patricia P. Jones. Stanford University. KUBY. Immunology. W. H. Freeman an  ...
  • Stryer Biochemistry.pdf

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    A Nucleic Acid Consists of Four Kinds of Bases Linked to a Sugar-Phosphate Backbone .. Fundamental Research in Biologic  ...
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    Brought to you in a thorough yet accessible manner, the new edition of Medical Biochemistry gives access to all of the l  ...
  • Molecular Cell Biology (Lodish 5th Ed)

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    The Diversity and Commonality of Cells. Cells come in an amazing variety of sizes and shapes (Figure. 1-1). Some move r  ...
  • Biochemistry

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    This textbook ‘Biochemistry’ has become one of the most preferred text books (in India and many other countries) for  ...
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